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Author Archives: William Ezor


What’s Here & What’s Next For YouTube TV

This past March, we introduced you to YouTube TV, an upcoming “alternative cable” service living within the YouTube ecosystem. We now have some big updates as we dive deeper into YouTube’s new monthly subscription service. Refresher Course: What is YouTube...


Welcome to a New Era of YouTube Comments Management

This past November, YouTube implemented new tools for creators to manage user interaction on their videos. YouTube now provides a number of filters, settings and other moderation tools that can help enhance brand-viewer interaction. For a core feature histo...


Checking In on YouTube Red: New Territories, Original Content & TV Integration

Nearly 10 years after Google acquired YouTube and turned a desktop hub for cute cat videos into a money-making machine, YouTube’s influence is still growing. Since the launch of YouTube Red back in October 2015, the platform has charged into different realm...


Capture Your Viewers’ Attention with YouTube’s Unskippable 6-Second “Bumper Ads...

How do you sell a product in six seconds? That’s the question now being posed by YouTube, as the industry-leading video streaming network introduces unskippable 6-second “Bumper Ads” this May. YouTube’s business model revolves around ad revenue, and it f...