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Tag Archives: performance rights


A Beginner’s Guide To Performance Rights (Infographic)

At The Orchard, our performance rights team is here to clarify your understanding of rights management - working to help rights owners earn more, faster. We have created a beginner’s guide to performance rights - a visual that aims to simplify the answer t...


Maximize Revenue With These Rights Management Tips

If you haven’t already read our previous Performance Rights blog post, Don’t Get it Twisted: Musical Composition vs Sound Recording, please take a moment to do so now to better understand the foundation of performance rights. (more…)


Don’t Get It Twisted: Musical Composition vs Sound Recording

We’ve said it before, Performance Rights is one of the most consistently growing fields of revenue in the global music industry. According to the IFPI Global Music Report, in 2017, revenue from public performance generated 2.4 billion, accounting for 14% of...


Performance Rights Disputes: What Are They and What Causes Them?

What is a Disputed Claim? For as long as recorded music has been around, there have been those who have claimed wrongful ownership, either by mistake or being unaware of the rights they control. The good news is, in today's music landscape there are checks...


Breaking Down… Performance Rights

Performance Rights is one of the most consistently growing revenue streams in recorded music, and has proved to be a reliable source of income for labels (and artists) in an ever-changing digital landscape. What comes with this reliability is a healthy dose...


Metadata: A Race Record Labels Can Win

The music industry’s supply chain is a relay race that passes information from stakeholder to stakeholder, with the goal of getting musical product from creator to fan while also assuring appropriate parties have been compensated. Exchanging the baton into ...