You Should Be Using Instagram Polls – Here’s Why
Polls are having a huge moment in the social media spotlight. Instagram even launched Story polls this past October in reaction to a sudden wave of interest. You see, over the summer, teen poll / compliment app TBH and Snapchat poll app Polly became the app...

Are You Using Instagram Stories To Its Full Potential?
With Instagram’s introduction of Polling for Instagram Stories, you might be asking yourself if you’re using the feature to its full potential. You're not alone. It seems every week there is a new update to the popular social media app. You could be surpris...

Engage Your Fans Through YouTube Poll Cards
It's been a while since YouTube rolled out its Cards feature -- the mobile-friendly evolution of annotations -- which has proved to be a powerful tool to increase engagement and click-through rates. In the past, you could choose between four types of cards:...

A Year In(ternet) Review: Social Media
There were many great updates on social media platforms last year. What better way to start the new year than with the key takeaways we learned from? Below are highlights that can easily be implemented in your marketing efforts to engage your fans. Twitter...