Breaking Down… Performance Rights
Performance Rights is one of the most consistently growing revenue streams in recorded music, and has proved to be a reliable source of income for labels (and artists) in an ever-changing digital landscape. What comes with this reliability is a healthy dose...

A Sound Relationship: How Turkish TV Boosts the Local Music Industry
I remember the good old times when the whole family would sit in front of the old television and wait for The Cosby Show to start or when I begged mom to let me watch V before going to bed. Back then the only TV channel in Turkey was run by the Turkish gove...

Your Quick Guide to Performance Rights Services Lingo
We know you've lain awake at night wondering how you and your artists are going to get paid for your song being played in a gastropub in Berlin, at a mall in Rio de Janeiro, or in that exotic French restaurant on the Solomon Islands. Unless you have fri...