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The Orchard Welcomes Hasbro To Magic Star Children’s Division

The Orchard and Magic Star, The Orchard’s official global division of children’s and family entertainment, are excited to welcome Hasbro to the global team! Magic Star will release new music surrounding Hasbro’s powerhouse brand portfolio and use their exp...


A “Moto” Ride With Lojay

Nigerian artist Lojay became an international superstar through hit songs like "Monalisa" and "Moto." We put Lojay's interview and driving skills to the test in A 'Moto' Ride With Lojay. The "Moto" singer answers questions about his hit song "Moto" whi...


Advertising 101: Dark Posts vs. Boosted Posts

Dark Posts vs. Boosted Posts on Facebook Not sure about the difference between dark posts and boosted posts? Curious about which one might be more effective? Is there a cut-and-dry answer to that question? It’s important to understand the differences as...


TikTokでは「ありのままの自分」を見せるべし! 「音楽以外のアイディア」をリスナー獲得につなげる、アーティストのための活用術...

日々さまざまなショートサイズの動画がアップされているTikTok。2020年はここ日本でも瑛人「香水」、YOASOBI「夜に駆ける」など「TikTok発」のヒット曲がチャートを席巻し紅白出場を果たすなど、いよいよ音楽プロモーションに不可欠なソーシャルプラットフォームとして認知された感があります。 コロナ禍でさらにユーザー数を伸ばしたTikTok TikTokは、ユーザーが自分という存在を他のユーザーに対してダイレクトに表現することに最適な動画アプリです。中国で生まれた同アプリは、アメリカ産の競合...


Facebook 2020 Best Practices

Over a decade and a half after its launch onto the scene, Facebook takes the crown for the largest social media channel in the world. With over 2.5 billion monthly active users, it’s important to always find new and creative ways to connect with your audie...


Prepare Your Channel For ‘Made For Kids’

If you’ve logged into YouTube lately, you’ve probably noticed a banner detailing changes to content “Made For Kids” and that you need to comply. These changes are affecting everyone on the platform, and all content needs to be marked as Made For Kids or No...