As an active leader in the digital music space, our team members often participate in panels and conferences from small to large to discuss a variety of topics around the world.
Recently, many members of our local team in Germany were featured at the two day conference known as Operation Ton #12 held at resonanzraum and Medienbunker in Hamburg. In figures, the event drew almost 700 visitors, 60 speakers and 40 programme items and was the most extensive in the event’s history. The varied workshops, lively discussions, performances, readings and artist talks on the resonanzraum stage were well attended and praised.

Michael Bock (Director Artist & Label Services, GSA) together with Oke Göttlich and Julian Löwe spoke on a panel named “Good Mood Mix or Indie-Electro: How streaming influences our taste in music!” The experts talked in depth about the way the music market has changed and is becoming shaped by streaming habits.

Maleen Junge (Marketing & Sales Manager GSA) and Simon Semrau (Director, EU Label Management and Integration) lead a workshop about the future of playlist revenue, Remuneration models, services and playlist management.

From the marketing perspective, Inga Gehrke and Christian Frahm titled their workshop “Open your eyes in digital traffic! The future of digital marketing.” The pair discussed ways to embrace the ever-changing landscape of marketing and music promotion.

It was great to see so much interest in our topics and with the conference motto #SharingisCaring we will continue spread our knowledge and expertise.